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Anchor 1

Matter of Balance


The Matter of Balance program emphasizes practical strategies to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels for older adults. Program participants learn to view falls and fear of falling as controllable.  Coaches work with them to set realistic goals to increase activity and teach the class exercises to increase strength and balance. Older adults get practical advice on how they can change their environment to reduce fall risk factors.


Class Structure: 


Matter of Balance classes are offered 1 time per week for 8 weeks. Each class lasts 2 hours. 


For more information about Matter of Balance, click here.



EnhanceFitness class is a structured group exercise program that focuses on stretching, flexibility, balance, low impact aerobics and strength training exercises. It has been shown to help older adults improve their health status and reduce their use of health care. EnhanceFitness class is an excellent opportunity for older adults to work on fitness and engage with other members of the community.  EnhanceFitness is offered through certified agencies throughout Santa Clara County. 


Class Structure: 


EnhanceFitness is offered 3 days per week for one hour. Each class consists of a 5-minute warm-up, 20 minutes of low impact aerobics, 5-minutes of cool-down, 20-minutes of strength training with soft ankle and wrist weights, and a 10-minute stretch.


For more information about EnhanceFitness, click here

Anchor 4

Stepping On


Stepping On is an evidence-based, group based fall prevention program, for older adults. The Stepping On program is led by an occupational therapist and brings in health professionals throughout the seven weeks, including a physical therapist, vision specialist, pharmacist and others. During the program, participants learn: Simple, fun ways to improve strength and balance, the role vision plays in fall prevention, information on medication management and Vitamin D, what to look for in safe footwear, and home safety tips.


Class Structure: 


Stepping On meets 1 time a week for 2 hours, for a total of seven weeks and then reconvenes 3 months later for a “booster session.” A home visit is also offered and conducted by an occupational therapist.


For more information about Stepping On, click here.

Anchor 2
Anchor 5

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance


This program is based on 8 Tai Chi forms that emphasize weight shifting, postural alignment, and coordinated movements. Synchronized breathing aligned with Tai Chi movements is also integrated into the movement routine. This program is designed for older adults who have no ambulatory problems. It can also be done while seated in a chair.


Class Structure:


Tai Ji Quan meets 2-3 times a week for 1 hour, for 12-24 weeks. 


For more information about Tai Ji Quan Moving for Better Balance, click here.

Anchor 3

Better Choices, Better Health

Better Choices, Better Health is a chronic disease self management program.  BCBH is offered in a workshop environment where seniors give and receive input from instructors and one another.

Sessions include interactive activities, group discussion, brainstorming, problem-solving and action-planning.  The course is facilitated by two trained peer-leaders, one or both of whom have a chronic condition themselves.


Class Structure:


Better Choices, Better Health workshop is offered 1 time per week for 6 weeks.  Each session lasts 2.5 hours.


For more information about Better Choices, Better Health click here.


Diabetes Self- Management Program


Similar to Better Choices, Better Health, the Diabetes Self-Management Program is a chronic disease self-management program designed for those struggling to manage their diabetes. The workshop environment allows older adults to discuss strategies for managing their illness with peers and trained instructors to help facilitate discussion and other activities. 


Class Structure:


Diabetes Self-Management Program is offered 1 time per week for 6 weeks.  Each session lasts 2.5 hours.


For more information about Diabetes Self-Management Program click here.


Anchor 6
Anchor 7

SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life)


Stay Active and Independent for Life is a evidence-based, falls prevention program. The class focuses on exercises that improve one's fitness, balance, and strength. Exercises are flexible and can be done while seated or standing.  


Class Structure:


SAIL is offered 2-3 times per week for 12 weeks.  Each session lasts 1-1.5 hours.


For more information about Stay Active and Independent for Life click here.


Anchor 8



Bingocize is a evidence-based program that combines bingo, exercise, and health education. Classes are easy to adapt depending on the facility or population being served. This program offers an opportunity for older adults to improve their physical, mental, and social well being while playing a fun game.    


Class Structure:


Bingocize is offered 2 times per week for 10 weeks.  Each session lasts 1 hour.


For more information about Bingocize click here.


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