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About Voluntary Contributions

Most SVHAP Evidence-Based Programs are offered at little or no cost thanks to OAA Title III-D grant funding by Sourcewise  ( and a partnership with the City of Sunnyvale Recreation Department. SVHAP gladly accepts voluntary contributions. To make a voluntary contribution, please email SVHAP personnel at the City of Sunnyvale Recreational Center for details: SVHAP Coordinator or visit the Sunnyvale Senior Center located at 550 E. Remington Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087. If you would like to drop off or mail in your voluntary contribution, please be sure to include: Attn: SVHAP - Angela Chan. You may also contact your EBP site personnel for more questions. Your information will be kept confidential, and if you choose not to contribute you will not be denied any SVHAP services being offered under this OAA-funded contract. 

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