Silicon Valley Healthy Aging Partnership

Evidence Based Health Promotion
is the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating programs adapted from trusted models or interventions to address health issues.
Click here to learn more.
Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs provide demonstrated clear benefits through rigorous research, minimal risk to participants, and clear physiological, psychological, and social benefits to program participants.
Evidence-based programs are a proven "best practice" of obtaining measurable outcomes in senior health and fitness such as:
~ Fewer reported falls
~ Improved functional fitness for seniors
~ Increased positive self-perception
~ Increased self-efficacy
~ Various positive health benefits
Completion of an evidence-based program from a certified trainer or coach can help members of our older adult community feel empowered to manage their own health, stay active and lead more fulfilling lives.
Learn more about evidence-based programs and their efficacy at The Center for Healthy Aging.